Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Tough (Question) Tuesday What does your heart want - When I Grow Up

Intense (Question) Tuesday What does your heart need - When I Grow Up This week I had the chance to mentor a customer who was tuning in to The Voice of Reason (otherwise known as Not-What-You-Really-Want-But-What-Will-Most-Likely-Work-So-Just-Suck-It-Up-And-Do-It-Or-Youll-Never-Make-It-In-This-Crazy-Business) rather than The Voice of The Heart (otherwise known as This-Is-What-I-Really-Want-But-Theres-No-Guarantee-That-I-Can-Really-Succeed-So-Im-Scared-And-Should-Just-Do-Whats-Easy-Instead). I detected a move when I inquired: What does your heart need? It was then that she recognized her fantasy, and the impediments before her. We were then able to cooperate to make sense of how she could actually use what she doesnt need (however is an open door shed be insane to leave behind) to get her closer to her objective! This doesnt mean you should toss rationale or smarts out the window - yet on the off chance that you try to incorporate at any rate a bit of what your heart needs, youll positively know youre going down the correct way. How does this inquiry identify with your present test? Go along with me in responding to this inquiry in the remarks area. You can peruse different portions of Tough (Question) Tuesday here.

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